Apple Cider Vinegar 30 Day Challenge – Day 1: How To Improve Your Health In 10 Seconds!

Day 1 of the Apple Cider Vinegar Challenge kick-off!!

Series: What The Health?? How ACV can improve your health in just 10 seconds each day!!

This is the How-To instructions of the #‎ACVchallenge #‎themother #‎whatthehealth

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Go to Next Day

Sweet Lemon Shot

  • 1 tbs ACV
  • 1-2 tbs water
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 squeeze of lemon to taste

Become healthier in less than 10 seconds a day! #‎ACVchallenge

What day of the ACV Challenge are you on?? How do you feel? Any changes? We all want to know… So please comment below!!



7 Reasons to Use Apple Cider Vinegar as Your Multipurpose Beauty Breakthrough

ACV Introduction

ACV Day 1: How To Improve Your Health In 10 Seconds

ACV Day 2: Weight Loss (part 1)

ACV Day 3: Weight Loss (part 2)

ACV Day 4: Weight Loss (part 3)

ACV Day 5: Muscle Cramps

ACV Day 6: Shiny Hair

ACV Day 7: How Do You Feel?

ACV Day 8: House Cleaning

ACV Day 9: Relieve Menstrual Cramps

ACV Day 10: Gastric Reflux (Heartburn) Relief

ACV Day 11: Gastric Ulcers

ACV Day 12: Immune Tonic Recipe

ACV Day 13: Get Rid Of Dandruff

ACV Day 14: Fight BO

ACV Day 15: Whiten Your Teeth

ACV Day 16: Improve Digestion

ACV Day 17: Reduce Blood Pressure

ACV Day  18: Lower Cholesterol

ACV Day 19: Help Control Diabetes

ACV Day 20: Banish Bad Breath

ACV Day 21: Deodorize Your FEET

ACV Day 22: Improve Your Mood

ACV Day 23: Boost Stamina and Energy!

ACV Day 24: Prevent Cancer

ACV Day 25: Fade Bruises

ACV Day 27: Build Bone Mass

ACV Day 28: Relieve and Prevent Arthritis

ACV Day 29: Relieve Headaches and Migraines

ACV Day 30: Immune Booster!!

Disclaimer: Information presented here is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent illness. Please be wise with your choices, seek medical attention/direction if needed.