How To Protect Your Body From Your Cell Phone (EMFs)
Is Your Cell Phone Affecting Your ENERGY Level and Health?
Safety is priority one when it comes to me and especially when it comes to my kids. Toxins are all around us. I created my skincare line to protect the body from absorbing toxins through skincare… but what about all of the electronic devices we hold so close to our body? The toxins they emit are no less dangerous and this needs to be addressed. The electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) emitted by cell phones and other electronic devices are no less dangerous and does penetrate our body similar to the products we apply. Think for a second how many electronic devices are within a 5-foot radius of your brain and body at any given time. While you might not be able to control the amount of EMF of every device, you can control those that you are around the most- yours and your family’s devices.
Almost every child over the age of 10 has their own device (or a few)… At my house, we each have a cell phone, iPad and laptop. At any given moment, I could have 3-4 devices within 5 feet of me. I found a simple solution.
When I realized the EMF potential I knew my brain and body needed some sort of protection. I reached out to a good friend, Robyn Openshaw (Green Smoothie Girl) and asked her about her strategy is for keeping her and her family safe. I looked into her EMF Action Plan and feel this is really important to share. Technology is not slowing down and our exposure is increasing to frequencies we are unaware of. Keeping your brain and body safe is simple and inexpensive….
She developed an action plan that I implemented. This is what she told me… and see below for what we both use.
“It’s not hocus pocus or tin foil’s very, very real. It’s now been published in over 8,000 studies that electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) are hurting you” says Robyn Openshaw (Green Smoothie Girl).
From your cell phone, especially when Wi-Fi is on, and it will get much worse when the 5G network rolls out, where you are (later this year, in many cities).
But every electrical device that is within 10 feet of you, is emitting chaotic frequencies that disorganize the protons and electrons in your cells.
The “wrong” kind of lightbulbs. “Bleeding electricity” from outlets. Gaming systems are the worst. Some meters from the electrical company. And more.
Robyn has made you a very special EMF Action Plan that outlines each step to take, starting with the easiest items for you (from over a decade of my own research on this topic), to clear the dirty electricity and radioactive frequencies from your environment.
It’s easier than you think, especially now that we’ve organized it for you.
Grab the FREE EMF Action Plan and grab the #1 most-important tool against the effects of EMF, a five-pack of xZubi devices while they’re 40% off.
She snagged a fantastic bulk discount on them so we could give you this special deal, but only until supplies run out.
These devices are FCC-tested, and patented, to protect human cells from 84 to 100 percent of the effects of chaotic radiation coming from any emitting electronic or plugged-in device. And they’re totally easy to use--just stick the holograms made of three layers of paramagnetic earth materials on the device.
While EMF is putting you at risk for cancer and messing up your energy and your ability to focus...we have been studying various solutions, for many years.
I hope you’ll learn what YOU can do about this growing problem, to protect you and your family. As inexpensively and easily as possible.
Looking out for your entire body...
❤️Trina, Your Natural Health And Beauty Nurse
P.S. When you purchase the xZubi, watch for an email from my friend, Robyn Openshaw. In it, she’ll share some info about a Video Masterclass she did with “Dr. EMF” Libby Darnell. She’ll be sharing several important tips with you, over the next couple of weeks.
Several years ago, Dr. Libby was very ill, from her exposure to radiation from electronic devices. She did everything you’ll read about, now organized into the EMF Action Plan, and got her health back.
She flew out to Utah, measured everything in and around Robyn’s home--and they got it all cleaned up! (You will be shocked at where they found the “hot spots” in her house--and how easy it was, to clean it up.)
Now they want to show YOU how to clean up the “electrosmog” in your own home, to be healthier, more energetic and focused, and less prone to illness.
Why clean up your skincare and ignore the EMFs around you?