Secrets your dentist WON’T tell you
We talk a lot about Big Dental - because just like Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Cosmo - these “big” industries are slowly killing us. You may think - “My nice dentist? No way.”
Here’s the truth - Big Dental has nothing to do with your “nice” dentist. It has to do with a broken system that cares more about profits than progress. With years of half-truths and blatant lies, what we now know as "dental health" is so ingrained that no one has bothered to question it.
And so, while your well-intentioned dentist may not be trying to harm you on purpose, the misinformed industry’s proliferation of lies and misinformation is in fact, negatively affecting your health. But that’s why you’re here. To learn the secrets your dentist WON’T tell you - maybe simply because he/she doesn’t know!
If you have ever had a filling, you know that cavities suck. They’re painful, unsightly, and honestly, leave you feeling a little ashamed that you allowed your teeth to get one in the first place - which isn’t even your fault in the first place!
What your dentist won’t tell you is that the cavity can be reversed! And no, it has nothing to do with fluoride. A cavity is a sign of ongoing demineralization. Minerals give your teeth their hardness and strength, especially in the enamel. As the outer white layer of your teeth, enamel consists of 96% minerals and 4% protein and water.
And while it’s true that sugar, acid, and bacteria trigger tooth decay, it all has to do with demineralization. Which is why conventional toothpaste DOES NOT WORK in fact, it does just the opposite and leads you to having more cavities. To heal a cavity, you need to use a natural tooth powder formulated with ingredients that remineralize tooth enamel, nurture good bacteria, and balance oral pH.
It’s literally that simple. You CAN heal a cavity.
SECRET #2 - COMMERCIAL MOUTHWASH CAN ACTUALLY CAUSE CAVITIES (and a lot of other oral infections!)
If your dentist asks you to swish with a bright blue liquid during your treatment, politely decline. And consider getting another dentist.
It’s that serious...
Here’s the truth - commercial mouthwash doesn’t distinguish between good and bad bacteria—it just wipes out everything. Alcohol-based and antibacterial mouthwash can produce what’s called a rebound effect. This essentially means there’s a switch from good bacteria to bad bacteria because all of the good bacteria is suddenly gone.
This affects everything from the health of your teeth and mouth to every organ in your body. You literally are affecting your microbiome by using commercial mouthwash.
Additionally, because commercial mouthwashes are very acidic, they eat away your tooth enamel which can lead to further decay.
STOP using commercial mouthwashes. Instead, you can use Gum Drops, made of 11 essential oils to detoxify your mouth, eliminating the bad bacteria without destroying your good bacteria.
It was once deemed a dental “miracle ingredient”. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
You may have heard fluoride blocks your “third eye”. And while that sounds very “woo woo” and may have had you wondering if that was true (or even what is a “third eye”!) - there is a simple explanation for it that is based in science.
And it’s this…fluoride is a neurotoxin that affects the behavior of neurotransmitters in the brain and reduces energy essential to brain function. The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NAP) performed a comprehensive review of fluoride in 2006 to document fluoride’s neurotoxicity and neurobehavioral effects. NAP’s research noted that fluoride increases the production of free radicals in the brain, which in turn accelerates degeneration of healthy tissues and disrupts essential brain functions.
As a result, fluoride is linked to a number of severe complications that make it a documented danger to your body:
- Developmental impairments
- Entry of aluminum into the brain
- Higher risk of thyroid imbalance
- Nervous system degeneration
- Impaired pineal gland function
- Depression

Which begs the question: why on earth are we using fluoride as a part of dental care at all? What other proof do we need to bust the fluoride myth? And the overarching question - why is Big Dental trying to poison us with fluoride in the first place???
These lies are still being taught and used in the dental industry, and many - millions of unsuspecting people still believe them.
So, let’s get angry. Let’s get dramatic. And let’s make sure more people know the truth about Big Dental and Big Cosmo. Because when you know better you do better. And boy, we sure could do better in this world.
And if you want to get started on improving your dental health, eliminating cavities and gum disease for good, we recommend you start with our Dental Detox Kit. It has everything you need to detox your mouth from fluoride, and set you on the right path to a healthy mouth!
For additional protection, we recommend using our LED Teeth Whitening System a few times a week. While white teeth are a great benefit, the LED Teeth Whitener does so much more.
Using the power of blue and red LED light along with our peroxide-free natural whitening gel made with nano-hydroxyapatite and xylitol, you'll have stronger teeth and gums, eliminate harmful bacteria, and a white, healthy smile you're proud to show off!