Primal Life Organics Blog

How to Choose the Best Natural Deodorant

How do you find the best natural deodorant? Which one will work for you? What ingredients actually have the power to stop your body odor?

In the past, these questions might have stopped you from making the changes you knew were best for your body, but not anymore! I have all of the answers you need to start using the best all natural deodorant and liberate your body from dangerous toxins.

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Why Does My Sweat Smell Like Cat Pee? The Link Between Ammonia and Body Odor

Have you noticed your sweat smells a bit like cat pee? If so, you're not alone. Many people experience this unusual odor, and it often leaves them wondering what’s going on inside their body.

As strange as it may seem, this scent can be linked to an excess of ammonia in the body. But don’t worry – we have a simple explanation and a natural solution!

Let’s explore why this happens and how you can eliminate body odor for good.

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