Primal Life Organics Blog

Benzoyl Peroxide, commonly used in commercial topical acne treatments.  I used it for years, but recently took a closer look at what it really does to the skin and the body. Trina takes us through the chemical facts about what really happens to our face and body when we use Benzoyl Peroxide to treat acne.  […]
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Help!  I have tried natural deodorants, including the Stick Up, but nothing works!  My sweat just stinks!!  What can I do about this?  Am I doomed to use antiperspirants and toxic deodorants forever?? Lois Trina examines what is BO, why does it STINK and what can you do about it!!  Natural or Not??  
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Get Vitamin C From Real Food… And Never Wonder If You Are Getting The Correct Form! Yes, form DOES matter! Most skincare companies use the wrong form of vitamin C- they use lab-made derivatives ascorbyl palmitate and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. These derivatives are easier to stabilize in skincare preparations, but they do not perform the […]
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