Primal Life Organics Blog

Beauty Can't Be Made in a Lab: Why Consumers Are Returning to Natural Beauty Products






These aren’t just buzzwords. They’re the terms driving the natural beauty industry as customers demand real change. 

As a result, jars and bottles of “natural” beauty products line store shelves. Even cautious, well-informed consumers struggle to cut through the hype and select products with legitimately clean formulations. After all, their claims are tantalizing, but which ones are true?

We deserve to be empowered by the natural beauty movement, not manipulated by marketing hype, so let’s dig into the real definition of natural beauty products and push impostors to the side.

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Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: How Your Cosmetics and Skincare are Wreaking Havoc on Your Body

It’s no secret that chemicals and toxins have invaded our planet down to the very air we breathe. You know to buy organic produce and steer clear of GMOs, but what about your cosmetics and skin care products?

The average woman uses about 15 personal care products a day, from toothpaste and face wash to deodorant and shampoo. Unfortunately, most of them include toxic ingredients. Even the lotions and cleansers that claim to enhance your beauty and protect your skin are actually brimming with dangerous chemicals.

Ugh! It’s time to unveil these products for what they really are — toxic soup — and identify safe and natural alternatives.

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