Primal Life Organics Blog

Don't panic, cleaning your device is as simple as 1, 2, 3! I just want to make sure you know the proper steps to clean your device so it doesn't get damaged and it lasts you a long time. Pro-tip: your device can be used by multiple people if it is properly cleansed in between uses!
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Over time, we have analyzed that these do's and don'ts may help your Real White Teeth Whitening device last a long time. This device is meant to last you a lifetime with proper care and we want to ensure you can get that result with this system to keep a healthy mouth for life. 
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You know how passionate I am about health and supporting everyone to live a healthier, happier life. I want you to meet a friend/colleague of mine, Liz Svensson, who’s just as passionate about this as I am. Liz is just after stepping back into the world of health after her extended maternity leave.She wanted to see how she could best serve our community and after countless conversations with her clients she discovered something that I’ve been seeing too - that a lot of people are really feeling lost. Many healthy habits have turned into something that only happens on a good day and the trust in our own body’s ability to heal and thrive is diminishing as the pressures of the world and disconnection from our social tribes have increased.
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Please do me a favor and open your calendar right now and block off all day for April 7-9th, 2022

Why? Because it’s a Mindshare event and, as health practitioners, we don’t tend to miss out on their top-rated events!

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Join me and many others in a healing journey to conquer cancer! 
March 7-10, 2022, are going to be three days full of you not feeling alone during your journey.
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White blood cells are key to fighting off “bad guys”... 

And white blood cells are partly stored in your belly-fat... 

So when your immune system is “stressed” out—your body is reluctant to burn belly-fat stores (because it wants to keep more white blood cells in case of danger). 

This is why enhancing your immune system is KEY to losing weight as the New Year begins.

And the #1 thing that suppresses your immune system? 

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Your oral health is the gateway to your immune system. During these trying times, it is vital to maintain overall health so your body can fight off viruses and infections. Building up your oral health is the finest way to help your immune system stay on its feet. 

Dr. Anna Cabeca and I dive deep into the true meaning behind this loco-sounding statement of "optimal health begins in the mouth."

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