Primal Life Organics Blog

When you sweat throughout the day without smelling, you don’t even notice. Yet on those days when you forget to wear deodorant, everyone notices. Do you know what’s more embarrassing? Using store-bought deodorant that contains harmful ingredients.

When you switch to all-natural deodorant, you don’t have to worry about those. Instead, it’s made with safe ingredients that won’t affect your health. 

Here’s what you need to know about picking a natural deodorant that will work for you. 

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Your dental health depends on so much more than a simple toothbrush and roll of floss. While those are key components to a healthy mouth, your oral hygiene relies on much more. This includes the introduction of new products, and the adoption of a different diet and new habits.

Here are four different ways to improve your dental health and give yourself the gift of a healthier smile.

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Wonder why natural deodorant makes you sweatier than usual? Is there a detox process? Why is it so much better than antiperspirant? Get tips and tricks for using natural deodorant now in our latest post, now with video.
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Most people follow the dental hygiene rules of brushing twice a day and flossing at least one. But, did you know your routine needs more than that to maintain those pearly whites? 
When was the last time you bought a new toothbrush? Are you brushing with the best tooth powder? What's in your mouthwash?  
Yes, brushing and flossing are crucial for good dental health. Here are some more steps you should follow to up the ante.
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