Primal Life Organics Blog

The Best Kept Secret- How to Reverse a Cavity

I can’t wait to go to the dentist and have them drill a hole in my tooth…said NO ONE ever! Yet that’s what thousands of people do every day - because they have a cavity. After all, when your dentist tells you that you need to get that cavity filled, you listen, right?

Not so fast! Because I’m here to tell you that cavities can be healed…naturally! First, let me tell you what a cavity actually is. A cavity happens when the hard surface of the tooth becomes softer and softer until a tiny hole develops. This is a sign of ongoing demineralization.

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The top two New Year’s resolutions people make are 1) become more active and 2) lose weight; very common responses when you ask individuals “so what are your New Year’s resolutions?” These are great goals to set for yourself, but let’s face it, they can be TOUGH to achieve. Primal Life Organics can help ensure your weight loss goal can be achieved.

According to UW Medicine, some reasons as to why it is so difficult to lose weight is because “when you begin to lose weight, your body fights to defend the old, higher body weight.” Also, “genes and environment play a huge role in whether or not someone gains weight.” These both sound like things that are out of your control, but you have the ability to overcome your body’s defense mode, change your environment, as well as practice tactics to change the way your genes hinder your weight loss abilities. 

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There is no question that Keto works. It’s a strict high-fat, low-carb approach that denies the body glucose as a main source of energy, and instead promotes the production and use of ketone bodies as fuel. 

Keto is a great way to move off a weight plateau, gain willpower, and get results fast. But going Keto also often results in gastrointestinal discomfort, low energy, and moodiness—known as the “Keto Flu”—which makes it unpleasant, and hard to sustain. 

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When you can’t eliminate toxins, you get sick, tired, and gain weight – FAST. Trust me, I don't think anyone wants that.

If you’re like me, you’ve tried detox or thought about perusing a detox, and if you haven't – what’s stopping you? Not only is it great for your health, but it also benefits your mind, body, and spirit.

I recently interviewed Dr. Daniel Pompa, who is a respected leader in the health and wellness space, educating practitioners and the public on the origins of inflammation-driven disease, the therapeutic application of the ketogenic diet, fasting, ancestral-based health approaches, cellular healing, and detoxification.

Although he’s trained as a chiropractor, his authority is rooted in his own battle, having overcome neurotoxic illness and heavy metal poisoning using his own unique cellular detoxification strategies.

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