I love olive oil! I DO!!! I add it to soups, sauces and I LOVE it on my salads for a healthy and natural pop of flavor. If you love olive oil like I do and use it just as much as I do, I’m certain you want to make sure you’re choosing the healthiest option.
Primal Life Organics Blog
How far would you go to look 15 years younger?
If you believe the media, you need needles, injections, and surgeries to regain the youthfulness you once took for granted. Botox, dermal fillers, and laser therapy have never been so popular, but that's not the path you want to take to healthier skin.
Luckily, your skin doesn’t need to be traumatized by invasive procedures or temporarily plumped with injections to recapture a smooth, vibrant glow. All you need is a natural DIY facelift kit formulated with the powerful ingredients your skin craves.
“Winning this award, for the third time in a row, is proof that consumers really desire healthy and natural lifestyles. I’m very proud and honored that my company is a company that can truly meet that need.” - Trina Felber, CEO
For many of us ladies, juggling the roles of Super Mom, Super Wife and Super Career Woman or Entrepreneur can be taxing – believe me I know. I’d like to share an amazing opportunity that can help you deal with the exhausting pressures that come with the cape.
Finally... something to feel great about! Stress, depression, exhaustion, overwhelm and anxiety are all in your head. You create your own wellness or disease. I have teamed with wellness professionals around the world to give you a gift: 50 Ways To Women's Wellness.
You might not realize this, but I am 51 years old. Most people think I am 35. I have found a secret way to reverse-age my skin and I want to share it with all of you. I work with experts around the world who have discovered healthy, alternative ways to maintain and reverse disease, inflammation and AGE!
For all women, there’s a certain point at which we start to really notice we are showing the signs of aging. If it’s happened to you (or if you know it’s just around the corner), then you’ve probably wondered if there’s a way to maintain or restore your youthful appearance and energy level in a healthy way.
The health of your mouth isn’t one dimensional. It can’t be defined by how straight your teeth look or how many cavities you’ve had filled.
Your mouth is its own complex ecosystem with billions of bacteria at work, so it takes more than a quick minute of brushing each morning and night to optimize your oral health. The core of strong oral health starts and ends with detoxification.
Oil pulling is one of the most popular oral detoxification techniques because it's simple and DIY-friendly, but it’s not the only or best way to protect your teeth and gums from harmful toxins.
You’ve been told since childhood that brushing your teeth is the single most important part of dental health. More specifically, you’ve been told that brushing with fluoride toothpaste is the secret to strong, white teeth.
So let me turn your world upside down by telling you that brushing your teeth with conventional toothpaste is hurting your mouth instead of helping it.
How can that be true?
I created my skincare line to protect the body from absorbing toxins through skincare… but what about all of the electronic devices we hold so close to our body? The toxins they emit are no less dangerous and this needs to be addressed. The electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) emitted by cell phones and other electronic devices are no less dangerous and does penetrate our body similar to the products we apply.
While EMF is putting you at risk for cancer and messing up your energy and your ability to focus...we have been studying various solutions, for many years.
You can send your favorite shirt through the washer and dryer a dozen times, but that awful hint of body odor never really disappears. And who wants to wear a shirt that doesn’t even smell clean before the day begins?
If you’re not sure how to get body odor out of clothes, you’re not alone! Standard laundry detergent and a quick rinse cycle aren’t enough to remove the stubborn odors now embedded in the armpits of your favorite tops.